Friday, June 3, 2011

Forest Sun - "Change My Tune"

Hi everybody....happy Friday!
Here's a great, catchy little song by singer/songwriter Forest Sun.  I only heard this for the first time a couple weeks ago while listening to Pandora.  I figured right away that Sun was from the New Orleans area based on the combination of the melody along with the accordion and fiddle....but no...turns out he is from the San Fransisco bay area...shows you what I know. 
Recording since 1999, Sun has released a total of ten albums to date.  "Change My Tune" comes from 'Walk Through Walls,' his fifth studio album which was released in 2005.

Forest Sun - "Change My Tune"
From the album 'Walk Through Walls'

Listen to "Change My Tune"

Click here to see Forest Sun tour dates.

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