Friday, June 24, 2011

Bob Schneider - "Honeypot"

Yes, I'm guilty.  Guilty of being a shameless amateur promoter of Bob Schneider. This song-of-the-weekend space is, once again, featuring the king of the Austin TX music scene. I realize Bob was featured here back in March...and a few months before that too, but how was I to know that he would be releasing yet another stellar record with so many great tunes?!
I recently purchased Bob's latest album A Perfect Day which hit the stores at the end of April. I own all of his albums and each time a new one is released I have a sinking feeling that it's going to be the end of the run, a let know, as such a prolific recording artist how can he keep up the pace and the quality and the originality?  Well he just can, and at this point I say 'don't ask questions, just enjoy his talents.'
If I were a good writer I might have described the new album as this good writer did on Bob's Myspace page: ...And A PERFECT DAY is just that--12 tracks of easy grooving, soulful melodies that sound like sunshine and slip into the ear as smooth as a chilled daiquiri. But, as is typical of Schneider, they're hardly pro-forma, follow-the-dots boat songs; rather, he cuts a wide swatch of music to chill by, from the light, summer groove of the opening track and first single "Let The Light In" to the soulful earthiness of "Honeypot," the ringing ambiance of "Everything You Love,” the bouncy pop of "Funcake," the relentless, brassy funk of "Am I Missing Something,” the insistent wiggle of "Hand Me Back My Life" and the loose-lipped-and-limbed, good humor of "Peaches"...
"Honeypot" is our selection today and it's my favorite from this brand new album.  Seems to me as if it sets up to be a raucous, crowd-pleasing, show-ending, sing-a-long encore for his live shows...with the whole la-la-la deal at the end....who knows? By the way, if you haven't seen him live, do yourself a favor and run don't walk to his next show if you get a chance.
As always...turn it up and ENJOY!

Bob Schneider - "Honeypot"
From the album 'A Perfect Day'

Listen to "Honeypot"

Click here for Bob Schneider tour dates.
Click here to see a Bob Schneider video of an acoustic version of "Honeypot."

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