Friday, August 12, 2011

Gomez - "See The World"

OK, so this British band from Southport, England comprised of five guys with the last names Ball, Ottewell, Gray, Blackburn and Peacock is called Gomez.  I never knew why until today.  Wikipedia has the story: The band played their first gig together in 1996 in Leeds at the Hyde Park Social Club on Ash Grove without a formal name. The band left a sign out which read "Gomez in here" for a friend of theirs whose surname was Gomez to indicate that it was the site of their first gig. People saw the sign and assumed that the band's name was Gomez - the name stuck.

Alright, now that the band name is all cleared up...
This group is one of the most difficult bands to categorize which is one of the reasons I like them so much.  I really appreciate bands/artists that can mix things up and play many different styles, sounds, genres, whatever you want to call it.  The fact of the matter is, no matter what the genre, I really believe there are only two kinds of music in this world: stuff you like and stuff you don't.  So, for me, this one falls into the former category.

Much of Gomez' music has a bit of a dark edge to it but not overly so.   "See the World," however, is perhaps their most upbeat recording.  It comes from the fifth of their seven studio albums, 'How We Operate' which was released in 2006.  They have actually had a good deal of commercial success in England and Australia but less so here in the U.S. where they have what could be categorized as a strong college radio following.

As always, I do recommend turning up the volume.
ENJOY and have a great weekend.

Listen to "See The World"
From the album 'How We Operate'

Click here for Gomez tour dates.
Click here to view Gomez "See The World" video.

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