Friday, July 29, 2011

The Wood Brothers - "Postcards From Hell"

I am happy to say that I've been introduced to a great new band this week.  Thanks goes out to the musical wizard of Warren County, Brett Schaffer for handing me Boulder, Colorado's The Wood Brothers on a silver platter this week via our new online musical toy: Spotify.  Been reading a lot about these guys and sampling their entire catalog of music (three, soon to be four studio albums) over the past couple of evenings and I like what I hear...kind of blown away actually.  Definitely have the same sort of folk-rock vibe as The Avett Brothers but are really quite unique in their own right.

As Rubber City Review blogger Tim Quine writes: "About a year ago – in one of my feeble attempts to prove I listen to living, breathing musicians – I waxed poetic about The Wood Brothers. Since then, they’ve gone from being great to scary great. Slap your mammy great. The kind of great that makes you forget all about good.  What do I base this on, you might ask? Well, there’s that unerring factor known as the “chicken skin” test, as Ry Cooder would call it. When I caught them live last week in nearby Kent, Ohio – and was treated to a first listen of their soon-to-be-released album “Smoke Ring Halo” – I had those tell-tale bumps on my arms that told me I was on to something rare in this world of reality-show divas and painfully hip dilettantes. The title song itself is almost a perfect distillation of what this band does best – rootsy, but not reverent… deeply soulful, but all about left-field hooks (like the phrase Smoke Ring Halo, for example) that suck you in right away… and far more musically accomplished than just about any other band playing in that unfortunately named “Americana” sandbox (think Avett Brothers and Mumford & Sons – good bands, but in my mind, just not on the same level as the Woods)."

I'd say he likes this band.  So now do I....and I think you will too.  "Postcards From Hell" is from their second album, the 2008 release 'Loaded.'  ENJOY!

  Listen to "Postcards From Hell"
        From the album 'Loaded'

Click to view The Wood Brothers tour dates.
Click to view The Wood Brothers "Lovin' Arms video.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! Thanks for the shout out and glad you love them as much as I do!
