Friday, April 8, 2011

Sean Hayes - "When We Fall In"

and a happy Friday to you my friends!  This week's tune is "When We Fall In" from Sean Hayes, an artist I just recently discovered who seems to me to have a very unique sound.
A blurb from Wikipedia:  'Born on August 27, 1969 in New York City, and raised in North Carolina, Hayes began playing traditional American and Irish music with a band called the Boys of Bluehill. He traveled the south...and eventually found his way to San Francisco, where he has lived since 1992.'
Genres listed for Hayes on Wikipedia are folk, indie, and soul, which gives you an idea of where he's coming from.
This song, from his 2010 album called 'Run Wolves Run,' streamed on my Pandora last week and caught my attention immediately.  Hope you enjoy it and have yourself a great weekend!

Sean Hayes -  "When We Fall In"
From the album 'Run Wolves Run'

Listen to "When We Fall In"

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